Through our partnership with Elevated Access, we have proudly connected our community with flights covering an incredible total of over 130,000 miles. Our impact is measured not just in distance but in the lives we touch and the opportunities we create.

Free, seriously.

No hidden costs, no strings attached – just genuine support and assistance when you need it most. And it's all confidential. If you are a trans person in need of flight assistance for you upcoming gender affirming care, reach out to us below.

Apply Now

According to Federal regulation, beginning on May 7, 2025, U.S. travelers must be REAL ID compliant to board domestic flights. If you have a need on or after May 7, 2025, we will not be able to service you until you have a REAL ID.

  • C.E.G

    "It definitely took a lot of pressure of money off my shoulders since I was paying for my surgery out of pocket. It helped so much and I’m extremely grateful."

  • M.B

    "The Queer Trans Project was there for me during a time when I needed it most. I live on an island far away from the care I needed, and I wasn't going to be able to afford a flight on my own. This year especially, their generosity and tenacious support gave me hope that there are people who care and want to help."

  • R.B

    "The Queer Trans Project reached out to me and offered to donate a ticket for not just me but also my partner. The process of getting them was very well explained and easy to do. I am so incredibly grateful that they found me and offered me such an amazing gift because if not for them I know I would not have been able to make the trip.

  • Morgan

    "Incredible organization with a life saving mission! They've helped someone very important to me with airfare, and every communication we've had with them has been above & beyond. They're out here doing amazing work and deserve nothing but respect and support."

  • Lamarcus

    "This project blessed me with a paid round trip flight for my surgery! This saved my life tremendously ! Words cannot explain how blessed I am to have them help me! Thank you so much"