Hi, my name is Cielo Sunsarae. I am the Founder and Executive Director of the Queer Trans Project. Many of you have concerns about discreetly receiving your Build-a-Queer kit in the mail. I’m here to help address these questions today by providing some unique ways to safely and discreetly get your mail.
1. Get a PO Box
This option may not be the best idea for everyone, especially since there’s a cost to open a P.O. box. But for those who are able to, opening a P.O. Box for even just the smallest time possible can ensure that only you have access to your mail and that you can pick it up when you need/want to
2. Send to a friends/family member’s house
If you have a friend who receives their own mail, ask them if you can mail your Build-a-Queer kit there. Then they can give it to you the next time you meet. The same goes for a family member who is affirming of you and would not put you.
3. Ask a school teacher/staff member
If you have a teacher or school worker that you trust, ask them if you can send your kit to their school mailbox. Then, you can pick up your kit from that personnel when you see them at school.
4. Name switcheroo
If you’re having the Build-a-Queer kit sent directly to your home, and you are weary about your name being on it and/or your parents opening your mail and finding out, you can put someone else’s name on it, which may deter them from opening the mail. This can be the name of a friend, family, neighbor, etc.
5. USPS Mail Holding
You can contact your local USPS (which we ship our kits via) to hold you mail at the post office. Each Build-a-Queer kit will have a tracking number, so you’ll know when it arrives at the post office. Then, you just need to head over there when you’re ready with you ID (must match what’s on the box) to pick it up.
6. Watch for tracking updates
If you must mail your kit to your home, stick to watching for tracking updates about your Build-a-Queer kit. All kits come with a tracking number and an estimated date of deliver. Make note of what time your mail is usually delivered, and be ready to intercept your package when it is nearby.
The Queer Trans Project is not responsible for lost/damaged mail. We hope that you enjoy and feel affirmed by you kits.

I noticed that you need an id to order a kit?? Does a highschool id count? Cus thats all I have
Does anybody know when the website restocks the stuff to make the kits?
hi..i um..im just coming out as trans male and i dont know what i need to start my change will the kit help me..?
Hey I’m a trans masc I don’t know if the orders are only when the restocks come out but if not how do you order a kit?
Hi I’m a trans masc and been wanting a binder i don’t know how to order a box